
Forced to Play

Have we become forced to play accepted challenges? rarely is the case to feel like aborting but when those times come am given warning to not abort games and this is Casual ..

I like to give everyone a chance to play and accept challenges from 800-2800 however in some rare cases does someone come as a 'anonymous' no rating account with a suspicious name which leads to me believe this guy is just going to cheat or simply find his name too offensive ..

As good example for both cases. just ran into an account by the name DrDrunkemsatin or something close to that. brand new names like that only suggest likely this guy will cheat .. and don't care much for facing someone with the name Satan or 666 in their name ..

Can understand this procedure for Rated games, but is this really necessary for casual games as well? what happens when the streak of bad, suspicious names continue to accept my challenge and I'm the one punished for aborting the games??

This is all truly no big deal but it's made me come to that conclusion that essentially we are all Forced to play games and the option to abort is there yet practically forbidden since am unaware how many am allowed to abort before being punished ..

Another reason I must bring this up is this in fact has actually happened to me. Someone attempted to accept my challenge a couple times but his name had cheating stench all over. 2nd time I did block him however ran into more suspicious 'anonymous' accounts which I proceeded to abort then was hit with a 'time-out' of 5-10 minutes (can't remember) and couldn't play any games ..

This has lead me to change my challenge ratings from 800 up to 1800-2800 to avoid any funny looking 1game 1750? accounts with most of the anonymous 1500? accounts. but this didn't please me and went back to 800-2800 and just started accepted all challenges ..

sure enough this has increased the amount of games facing probable cheaters with ratings from 1100-1600 crushing me like a SuperGM / Stockfish8 would. don't really mind facing cheaters every now and again, but sometimes this leads to long streaks of them or so it seems since I feel obligated to not abort any accepted challenges ..

For very least, is there a rule stating somewhere how many games we are allowed to abort before punishment with in X-amount of time? Thank you for reading and hope that I can get an answer soon to assume enjoying this wonderful site

I don't think that refusing Challenges counts towards the abort ratio, Soul.

I can't comment on how many aborts will get you banned, however.
not refusing challenges. am saying when I put up a challenge and they accept. then am faced with a suspicious account and choose to not play them and left with only the option to abort which prompt the warning of temporary band

also I have the feature off to not play actual Anonymous accounts. just refer accounts with zero rated games played as Anonymous accounts
I swear Anonymous means they're a guest/ its a guest account, thats why they have 1500? rating
the main point of this thread is "why are we being forced to play casual games?" should there be punishment for aborting casual games?

one can easily block any anonymous accounts thats simply trying to go around aborting games. why on earth anyone would wanna waste time doing that is far beyond me.

it's just come to my attention that we are practically forced into playing whoever accepts the open challenge not given much of a choice without possible consequences
yes Kain, I understand Anonymous are guest to the site with No Accounts.

however I tend to refer to the Real Accounts with no rated games played with 1500? as Anonymous since in my mind they are equally the same only someone took the time to make a name for their "guest account" since anyone can just make a name say .. StockmodoRybka and never play rated games only to go around "practice cheating" in casual games..

no way am I gonna play anyone with a name that refers to a chess engine
#1 A "suspicious" account? Who gets to judge which accounts are suspicious?
Toadofsky, that's left to the eyes of the beholder. if I'm feeling bad vibes from some silly named account like Magnustockgish 1500?. no way am I gonna wanna waste my time playing such an account ...

and it's not just them having to be suspicious. they can be offensive as well as for the given examples having Satan or 666 in their name is not something I can approve of or wish to play against
Have you tried resigning instead of aborting? Obviously don't do it in rated games (sandbagging leads to a permanent ban).

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