
"warning, letting time run out ..."

A lot of people used to bypass the "Dont let time run out" bans by letting time run down for 2:59 and then resigning with 1 second left on the clock.
This was implemented to stop those people.

I understand it is annoying, I have gotten upset at it/similar before myself (in my case: I had a completely winning position, then my opponent played a complicated move, I thought about how to counter it & forgot about my clock, timing out. Rather upset with myself already, I saw a bit of red when the automated chat system then also issued a warning to me for "letting my clock run out"), but sadly there are sufficiently many toxic idiots on the internet that it is required.

Basically, if you know this isn't actually directed at you (you did nothing wrong), just ignore it. You're not actually gonna get banned unless this happens several times a day, and it shouldn't.

I understand where you are coming from. I'm not implying they take down the rule. am suggesting they change it somehow so it's not so strict to where we are being warned after using a mere 25 seconds of the clock in search of a saving move for the complicated position of a game only to resign before the clock runs out and still receive said warning

on the surface this may not seem like a big deal. but let me explain how this influences some of our games. the day prior to making this thread. I was giving this warning and as usual shrugged it off as no big deal. but within 2-3 games. I got another warning. now in the back of my mind I worry. and in the following games I've found myself in a bit of a panic to quickly finding moves or prematurely resigning to avoid possible ban when reaching that last 30 seconds since I'm not familiar with the exact criteria of what warrants this ban

I am sure there is a better solution to the problem. perhaps leave it to the player to report such offense and if this offender continues doing this after given a warning, then a ban should be issued. if said player completely abandons the game, going offline. then a warning can be automatically issued. and if that reason be because of internet/connection issues, yet that person persist on trying to play chess. they still deserve to be banned for wasting time and enjoyment of others with their faulty internet

off topic - there is nothing worse then watching your opponent disconnect - reconnect after every move

in short, I feel this can have an effect on how some of us try to play the game. me personally am always willing to spend more time trying to find the best move. but on that night after giving 2 warnings I felt that available time that once seemed affordable no longer holds weight and by the rules of lichess, I'm obligated to make a move every 5 seconds or something. and this is exactly what I did with my next few following games after the 2nd warning within 5 games

my final thoughts are. if you for example start a game 10+0 then you are aware this game will take max 20 minutes to finish. if your opponent drops out halfway and for whatever reason not given the option to auto-resign for them. then the worse case is you simply wait out the time for that game to end and pick up the Win. You committed the next 20 minutes to this game regardless if he stays or goes. you can spend that time studying the game from front to finish during the waiting process. these warning would make more sense if only used in Rapid & Classical. anything under 10 minutes, isn't really a long wait at all. the whole warning a player for properly using his time to find a saving move then respectfully resigning in a 2min bullet game is a bit absurd imo and can have an effect on some players changing the way they play under time pressure. leading them to make faster, less thoughtful moves during critical positions of the game. the rule simply seems a bit too strict on us players for a free casual site. surely this can be modified to be less attentive on bullet & blitz games

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