
Courage comes with playing

Lions play and sharks prey.
It takes courage to play honestly.
No harm is done when there are no attacks.

Lions and sharks are not in the same league.
They are both from different environments.
So they should never confront each other.

Lions can sense an opponent or rival.
Little sharks can become victims of lions.
Let wisdom guide your ways among the ages.

Enjoy your abilities.
It takes courage to play.
Skill improves with practice.

Gain courage by playing without fear of losing.
Discovering your qualities, strengthens your courage.
Why do you continue to play chess ?
Courage comes from winning. Fear comes from losing. Experience comes from playing. Nothing comes from nothing.
Dear chess friends

Courage comes from winning the games:)To bealive in your power.But we need patience in our way to become good players.If you only play the games and only losing the games...You will have fear:)

All the best to all chess friends
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to chess mastery" - GM Yoda
I had not noticed at all that playing chess requires courage. Maybe, this is why I'll never be a master.
“Every person has to find the right balance between confidence and correction. But my rule of thumb is lose as often as you can take it. Playing in the open section and going 0-9 every time is going to crush your spirit long before you get good enough to make a decent score. Unless you have a super human ego or totally lack one. A constant stream of negativity will leave you too depressed and antagonized to make the necessary changes. But as much as you enjoy winning, remember that winning every time is not ideal. Setbacks and losses are both inevitable and essential if you’re going to improve and become a good, even great competitor. The art is in avoiding catastrophic losses in the key battles.” Garry Kasparov, How life imitates chess
It's my free verse composition. It holds my thoughts and it's free to read.
I play chess to relax and for the thrill of it. When I fall or get up, it's not that painful.
It’s perfectly normal to feel something with chess.

Take your courage with you, when you blitz those pieces.
Fight off the lions and the sharks and feel that adrenaline.
Enjoy it while you can.

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