
Cheat detection needs to change

Recently, after coming back to lichess after being inactive for 2 months, I found out I was wrongfully flagged for using computer assistance. This made no sense, as I hadn't played a game for 2 months, except for a single unrated rapid game against a school classmate (which I did not cheat, nor any other game).

My other games are almost all 1+0 bullet games, with a few rapid games a few more months prior, that are clearly not cheated if you even remotely see the dozens of blunders I've made.

After filing for an appeal, I was downright shut down and they supposedly "had sufficient evidence", which I don't understand. I was flagged for cheating whilst being inactive and never even coming on to the site.

I know this sounds cliche but feel free to just check any random game on my profile.


Lichess needs to fix the appeal system, they didn't even give me the benefit of the doubt. I still strongly believe lichess's system is flawed, and I'd like to see a change.

@The_Human_Paradox yes I know

Qg3! is a great move, setting up Botez gambit

(but in all honesty I still have no clue why I was marked for cheating)
Example: Seems like someone had the analysis board with an engine on the other tab open. But on correspondence, you are only allowed to use the opening explorer and the analysis board without an engine.
You should especially look at your games that have a computer analysis. The guy who reported you might have pressed that button before.
But I looked at some of your games and I don't see any obvious usage of a chess engine.
There are other ways of cheating, though. So I don't know what kind of evidence they think to have. Did they say that it is about using computer assistance or was it maybe something else?
@NaitikJerath2012 wdym? I never played correspondence and definitely did not use an engine on another tab.

I don't know how the anti cheat works but even if I were a cheater, why would I play 90% 1+0 bullet games, and why would my centipawn loss and such be consistent throughout gamemodes?

Sometimes I do switch between tabs while playing if my opponent is taking a long time to move or if I'm doing something else, as I play chess casually to relax, but I don't think that should incriminate me as a cheater?
@Cruxo yep they said it was computer assistance. I asked for evidence but they claimed they didn't want to leak any possible hints to the anti cheat, and they have their mind set in stone.
I would not complain, just get a new account- The cheat detection is very important these days because everyone is from home and might have a computer there that you can’t see because your online. Chess sites have banned thousands of accounts for cheating this year and made our experiences much better. Sorry that this happened but it is what it is.

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