
Bug in screen display?


I have a new display in after game analysis : all the moves are listed (as usual) but not in a scrolling frame. That is to say, I have a loooooong list of move, wich is anoying since I cannot see at the same time the gameboard and the analysis diagram underneath (the latter being pushed down by the long move-list).

How would you advise me to get the old scrolling frame back?

Same with me, it's annoying that I have to scroll all the way to the bottom to the computer analysis and then all the way back up just to see what my mistakes are on the board in analysis.
Same issue here, I use the last version of Safari and IOS on iPad Air 2. Edit: On Mac, the bug is also present

This bug affect the puzzle mode too.
bugging on OS X 10.10 + Safari.

Works fine on windows + firefox.

When doing a puzzle this problem prevents me from seeing all the controls (such as Continue Training or whatever is used to say). Safari 10.0.3 on Sierra (current build).

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