
How's your mental health?

@MrPushwood said in #4:
> My doctor said I am possibly becoming a bit delusional (or at least he did the last time I saw him).

Mine said I am hallucinating. Looks it is not normal to see so many SHOW BLOCKED MESSAGE. ;-P

Luckily for me I still can read MrPushwood's posts. The doc said those are 100 % mentally healthy
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I feel like I have the best mental health on earth. Everybody around me started breaking down during the pandemic and I was even happy that I can do school at home lol (what I am still doing today with big success as I have almost straight As, when I was in school, I wasn't even near that performance). The pendamic has probably stabilized me a lot for some random reason that I don't know lol, but my family situtation surely did that as well, as my father is heavely sick and has due to medical treatment absolutely no immune system, which means with a bit of bad luck that even a cold could kill him. As a result, I wear a face mask everywhere I go, and you really have to have a strong mental health if you want to pull this through without quitting, as I'm getting laughed at quite a lot for being almost the only person still wearing a mask. However, I learned to ignore such people, which is probably the reason I am still happy as ever and don't even now what it's like to have depressions or even a bad mood.
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my doctor said...
I've no doctor
i mean i don't need a doctor for my brain..
doctors are for weak xd
Economic situation effect my salary....either I find a part time jobs or changing a career...both will make me less playing

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