
CrazyHouse 960

Does anyone agree that Lichess should add crazyhouse (and maybe other variants) that go off of chess 960 starting positions?
+1. I don't think it would work for stuff like atomic but it's fantastic in crazyhouse. I've done it before (via manual setup) with @FischyVishy and it's loads of fun.
I would definitely give it a try if it existed. What bothers me is that it would be hard to find opponents. Even with Crazyhouse, being the most popular variant, it is sometimes hard to find an opponent (besides the arenas).

I think it would be much better to have a button on the right: "Offer 960" while you play regular crazyhouse. A bit like the "berserk" button - only active before second move is played. So when you get tired of playing/losing with/by someone, you click it, if he agrees, game becomes 960.
How i imagine it, it would be difficult to have yet one more variant, with statistics and icon and everything with small chances 2 people at the same time will want to play it.

On the other hand, 2 people already playing zh, often play like 10-20 games in a row. Same openings sometimes, gets boring, click 960 button and you add some spice to it. Just scrambles the pieces on the board, still counts as a crazyhouse game, same stats etc.

I'll concede this must be a low priority even if lichess is willing to implement it, but I suspect I'd enjoy this more than normal crazyhouse.

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