
Please fix your disconnect issues. It is impossible to play a long game.

Here is the game in question:

I'd say I am badly winning here with the black pieces. However, about 20 minutes into the game, I had a connection issue and I left for under a minute. Yes, that's right, under a minute. I refreshed the page and my opponent had forfeited me, receiving points he definitely did not deserve.

Some of us will have connection issues from time to time. Imagine playing a longer time control game (25+0 was the time control here) and having to forfeit a completely winning position because your internet disconnects for about 30 seconds. That is absolutely ridiculous.

I like this website but I will be returning to a different chess playing website until this is fixed. This is a huge problem that makes it impossible to play longer time controls on Lichess. Your opponent should not INSTANTLY have the chance to forfeit you because you have disconnected. Simply ridiculous.
Thank you for reporting and explaining this as impartially as possible.
I think different disconnect times could be allowed in blitz and standard. In BLitz 1 min is OK. In standard longer time maybe.

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