
Search "user:LeoHoward1"

491 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Searchign for GF#16

@Raspberry_yoghurt I really am sorry if this comes off as me being rude but... Bro, do you really have nothing more to do with your life than running around trying to start arguments with people?? Any…

Off-Topic Discussion - Searchign for GF#14

@Jacob531 yeah he might be. :D

Off-Topic Discussion - Searchign for GF#10

Bro, In all seriousness tho, Let me give you a little advice. You are 14 and looking for a GF?! Also you need to raise your standards, 12-25?!! over 18 is highly illegal so You should at least change …

Off-Topic Discussion - Searchign for GF#9

Lol! Ive been single for a long time and its going really well... I'm really happy with me, I'm starting to think I might be THE ONE ;)
