
The World Championship(s)

I am suspicious about Nepo making 1800-Elo blunders in his match against Carlsen. An then grinning stupidly about this blunders in press-conference...
It's possible that expecting the champion to defend every two years is what caused the Carlsen burnout. Maybe we should go back to every three years?
Carlsen is self-obsessed, and we shouldn't allow him to get a hammerlock on chess. Or, for that matter. Chess predates capitalism, and will be around after it is gone.
The chess champion of the world is either Stockfish, AlphaZero or Komodo. Carlsen is not even in the same league. Tata Steel 2023 proved that Magnus is not invincible. It would be a huge blow to his ego to be beaten by a young contender, and even more humiliating to lose to a computer. At least Gary Kasparov was willing to represent mankind against the machine.