
classic games?

Just stop: Nobody cares about blitz or bullet. The only thing that matters is your OTB standard ratings. You play blitz and bullet online because you have no discipline and you're addicted to it. You would be better to spend the time you are on blitz studying the game, anyway.

Blitz and bullet are not chess. They're sideshow variants that only internet droolers care about. FIDE and USCF sure don't care about them.

Now - Go enjoy your Sunday. Or spend eight pages ranting and raving about what I just wrote. I won't be around to read it as I have more important things to do than argue with people who don't matter one iota.
"Again, dude - I have a life. I'm not spending my Sunday arguing with some rando on the internet about nothing. Go find something to do with your life."

"I have a life." - says the person very upset about finding classical games on lichess.

"I'm not spending my Sunday arguing with some rando on the internet about nothing." - says the person who has made 117 forum posts, but played only 9 games (so maybe you won't spending all of this Sunday arguing, but you spent all of last Sunday arguing?)

"Go find something to do with your life." - :^)
@ #22: I never complained about finding classical games on Lichess. I said quite the opposite - that I've never had trouble finding long games on any site. You need to learn how to read.

Really, don't embarrass yourself and write ten pages about this. Nothing that's discussed on this forum matters anyway. Nobody's reading.
No, I play blitz and bullet online because I play classical games OTB. The rare few times I play classical here is with people I know in real life, who I play OTB. The only reason I play OTB classical in real life is to play for a rating.

I play blitz and bullet online because I find it fun, and a welcome distraction, two things you seemingly have little experience or understanding of. As FBD points out, you are very quick to demand how you want things, without respecting how other people may want things.

You are also very rapidly moving towards trolling behaviour.
@#24 Exactly - This is why you cannot attain a title in Blitz or Bullet. Only classical 90+30 TC's.

Thanks for hammering home that point. Have a nice Sunday.
I have experienced the world of chess with 28 years of pre-internet classical chess, and now have 17 years of internet chess. I'm glad to see that I wasn't alone in thinking that calling a 5-10...6-12 game "classical" is not accurate . I would call these game times super blitz. To me classical chess is "real chess" ,nothing shows your true chess skill and rating than playing a over the board game . I would like to play a long classic game on line but I just fear I'll end up playing someone's chess engine. I think calling these short games classic is an intrusion on the classic speed chess is a whole different game. Since ICC is often used as a comparison to lichess... I believe that ICC's classic games times are longer...maybe someone knows what dividing time is as its more representative of the classic game. :]
Generally, the dividing line is that bullet is 2+1 or less (2+0, 1+1, 1+0), blitz is 15+0 or less (5+2 or 15+0 seem to be the most common blitz settings), rapidlplay is some grey zone which encompasses blitz from 15+0) to about 30+0 which is when you usually start getting to classical lengths (ie, 30+15, etc.)
#28: on FICS and ICC the divisions are:

Lightning, etime < 3
Blitz, etime from 3 up to but not including 15
Standard, etime 15 and up

etime is calculated by assuming a 40 move game. A shortcut is

time + (2/3 of increment) = etime.

So a 10 6 game would have an etime of 14 and be considered blitz. a 10 9 game would have an etime of 16 and be considered standard.

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