
I built a fast-paced tactics trainer. What do you think?

I think some of your puzzles at level 2 may have alternative valid solutions. Level 1 is perfect!
not bad, but i greatly dislike the fact that some puzzles have multiple "solutions" and if you take a move that leaves you like up a queen instead of checkmating in 2 or something is considered a wrong answer. imo good puzzles have only one clearly winning move or consider all alternates
@flamehead #1

Looks great, very promising and nice. Well done!

Some small remarks from the picky side of me (hehe :) :

* The timer gets a bit on my nerves after a while. That's why, in the past, I stopped using the tactics trainer on and prefer to use the tactics training on and lichess.
An option to change the timer or to turn it off would be an idea for the old age and "sensitive" people like me :)

* A simple disclaimer would be nice on the site, for example :
"We will not use your email address, that you use to sign up, to send you spam, or hand over to 3rd parties to send spam, or use for "unethical" things like statistical user usage, money making"

* Everything in black might not appeal to everyone.
Would it be possible to add theme preferences ?

... Keep up the good work! Cheers

Nice! I've been thinking about something like this for a while—a trainer focusing on drilling rapid basic pattern recognition rather than more 'worked-out' tactics. This kind of thing can definitely be a useful supplement I think, especially for novices.
@Tangelo777 I just switched out some questionable puzzles in level 2 that I think you were referring to

@Lightsss Noted, I was planning to add in retrying without penalty when a good move but not the best move is made. But I'll try to stick with puzzles with clear solutions, as it seems people tend to like those more

@achja Thanks for the detailed feedback, I'll add a way to toggle the timer and keep themability in mind. As of now, signups only allow a username and you can't sign up with an email even if you wanted to :)

@Stiltstiltstilts Yeah, what you say about drilling rapid basic pattern recognition is a lot more efficient for developing chess skill than spending time working out difficult tactics (and not remembering the answers)
I share the feeling about the timer and it is one reason what got me here on lichess to have a tactic trainer where you can take your time.
(Does not mean I do not blitz quite often ;-) )

But you explicitly say it is a fast paced tactic trainer for improving blitz. That did catch my attention again.
You often find yourself in blitz games with time running out, seeking the checkmate.
So why don't switch that accordingly.

For instance the time for the first attempt could be recorded, like you do. And on the second attempt for a level you challenge yourself to beat your own highscore while seeing the clock (and that line) ticking down, just like in a chess game. Only difference: Get flagged by yourself. :-)
I would like that.
You could also add competition to challenge the best try from other people (if it is not yourself holding the record) with an arcade like highscore board. :-)
Would at least fit this "combo", "great", "perfect" popup style. :-)

As for your own "profile". Of course I would rather like to see my best try not my last one, as it is right now. So a kind of personal highscore board.

Regarding the design. Personally I am happy with the darkish style. Plain and simple.
Only the first thing I always change is the board.
I am a blue guy. (Love it: Even OTB I use a nice blue/white board with blue/white pieces now. ;-)
A collection of boards would be binding visitors I think, as they could make it their home somehow.

Overall a great site. Thank you.
It's a very good website. I am still not good enough to pass level 2. Perhaps players rated 2400+ can completely solve all the levels.

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