
If your goal is to get to 1900 FIDE and you absolutely hate openings how would you approach it?

If a person's only goal was to get to 1900 FIDE OTB (no desire to get higher than that) and they would rather quite chess than spend much time studying openings, but willing to work really hard on everything else, how would you advise them?
My advice is to Quit Chess or Lower your Chess Rankings Expectations.

The simple unescapable fact is, at a certain Chess Ranking, you have to learn your Chess Openings.

Or you will get destroyed!

Just because you don’t learn your Chess openings doesn’t mean others will follow same mind set.

Rival players want to win.

Every Chess Game has Chess Opening, but not every Chess Game has Chess Endgame.

If you get smoked in the Opening, you most likely going to resign before ever reaching Endgame.

A Chess Player can be successful with out knowing their Chess Opening, but it is only valid to a certain point.

Sure, Sure, A chess player ranked 1,600 to 1,700.
They can get away with out knowing their Opening.
They can get away with playing random developing moves.

1900 OTB with no Chess Opening Knowledge?
Don’t you think your being unreasonable?
define learning a opening.
is it learning 4 million moves of theory which have to be played perfectly or else you will lose?
is it learning main Ideas of a opening?
is it learning opening principles?
depending on the definition, there would be different answers
@X_Player_J_X said in #2:
> My advice is to Quit Chess or Lower your Chess Rankings Expectations.
> The simple unescapable fact is, at a certain Chess Ranking, you have to learn your Chess Openings.
> Or you will get destroyed!
> Just because you don’t learn your Chess openings doesn’t mean others will follow same mind set.
> Rival players want to win.
> Every Chess Game has Chess Opening, but not every Chess Game has Chess Endgame.
> If you get smoked in the Opening, you most likely going to resign before ever reaching Endgame.
> A Chess Player can be successful with out knowing their Chess Opening, but it is only valid to a certain point.
> Sure, Sure, A chess player ranked 1,600 to 1,700.
> They can get away with out knowing their Opening.
> They can get away with playing random developing moves.
> 1900 OTB with no Chess Opening Knowledge?
> Don’t you think your being unreasonable?

I didn't say NO chess opening knowledge. I said not spending much time studying openings.
Related question for everyone better than me: If someone has a Lichess rating over 2,000, without studying openings, does he have much room for improvement everywhere else?

My intuition is no, but I'm still at the level where games are decided by who misses a 2-move tactic first.
@Chiksan said in #8:
> Related question for everyone better than me: If someone has a Lichess rating over 2,000, without studying openings, does he have much room for improvement everywhere else?
> My intuition is no, but I'm still at the level where games are decided by who misses a 2-move tactic first.

Lichess 2000 rapid is about 1650 USCF or 1620 FIDE. It's very low class B. So yes, he has much room for improvement in every facet of the game. You can see rating conversions on chessgoals website:

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