
If your goal is to get to 1900 FIDE and you absolutely hate openings how would you approach it?

Tactics. My 14 year old son only does that. He knows no openings and plays a lot of random stuff. He is now getting very close to 1900 fide and starts beating + 1900 fide players. He has a + 2600 puzzle-rating on lichess.

Besides I notice for myself about a gap of 150 points between with and without openings. With this account and openings I reach easily + 2600. With my other account and without openings I struggle to achieve 2500.
Prepare yourself for the countless hours of Opening Studying.
Lock yourself in a room for total isolation and focus.

Make sure to have a beverage to stay hydrated.
Make sure to regulate the climate of the room so you don’t break out in shivers.
Make sure to have notepad or chess data base to store your moves.

Prepare yourself for Chess Theory Hell.
If you can survive it, you will know the sweet Heavenly Grace of 1,900+ Rank.
If you can’t survive it, you should give up and pick Chess Rank more reasonable.

A 7 year old kid can do it during recess.
A 7 year old kid can’t even look over the Subways counter at Subways to see his sandwich being made can do it!

And your telling me you can’t do it?
No excuse!

The funny part was watching you say you don’t want to spend much time on openings.
Lets ask 7 year old Charlie what he thinks about you not spending much time on openings.

Charlie’s response: I’m crush him after I finish my homework so my mom doesn’t get mad.

Thanks, Charlie, for straightening out the OP.
Out of curiosity how many times would you crush him Charlie?

Charlie’s response: I would crush him 3 times because I play Sicilian Dragon and I memorized 18 moves. Than I would have to go to bed so it’s not past my curfew.

Thanks, Charlie!
I love Dragons too.
@Chiksan I'm over Lichess rapid 2000, don't know much opening theory and I can tell you that at this level there are many many fields where I could improve besides openings.
Most games on this level are still decided by simple tactics.
Not sure what you find so loathsome about the openings. But 1900 FIDE is a pretty stout rating to get maybe you should learn to overcome your dislike. ;)
You just need to learn the first 10 to 15 moves of the main lines in most openings... it is not that difficult.
( There are some openings that require greater depth of knowledge.... just avoid playing those openings.)
I would memorize the 2400 tactics positions in CT-Art 4.0. That should get you to about 1895. Then, if you play enough until one final opponent either slips on a banana on his way to the game, or somehow falls asleep at the board, you can get the last 5 points. That should do it.
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@X_Player_J_X said in #23:
> Prepare yourself for the countless hours of Opening Studying.
> Lock yourself in a room for total isolation and focus.
> Make sure to have a beverage to stay hydrated.
> Make sure to regulate the climate of the room so you don’t break out in shivers.
> Make sure to have notepad or chess data base to store your moves.
> Prepare yourself for Chess Theory Hell.
> If you can survive it, you will know the sweet Heavenly Grace of 1,900+ Rank.
> If you can’t survive it, you should give up and pick Chess Rank more reasonable.
> A 7 year old kid can do it during recess.
> A 7 year old kid can’t even look over the Subways counter at Subways to see his sandwich being made can do it!
> And your telling me you can’t do it?
> No excuse!
> The funny part was watching you say you don’t want to spend much time on openings.
> Lets ask 7 year old Charlie what he thinks about you not spending much time on openings.
> Charlie’s response: I’m crush him after I finish my homework so my mom doesn’t get mad.
> Thanks, Charlie, for straightening out the OP.
> Out of curiosity how many times would you crush him Charlie?
> Charlie’s response: I would crush him 3 times because I play Sicilian Dragon and I memorized 18 moves. Than I would have to go to bed so it’s not past my curfew.
> Thanks, Charlie!
> I love Dragons too.
> Awesome!

True words :))

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