
Premove tricks in bullet

So I was just premove tricked in the opening after many games on this site for the first time. I premove most of my opening moves and many of my opponents realize this and do the same.

I consider it very rude to intentionally blunder a piece hoping you premoved so they can win a piece. Especially in the opening. I blocked this player, and will block everyone who does this thing. I would rather not play bullet at all in 1v1 matches but I feel most people will agree with me that this is rude so have no fear of running out of opponents.

Why do people do this? If you really want to win just for the sake of winning, use an engine at least. Maybe tricks aren't cheating but the win is just as empty and people won't play you just the same.
#1 Players do this because:
a) it improves their odds of winning (in some cases)
b) it discourages the opponent from premoving, thereby slowing down the opponent for all moves
c) people might enjoy doing it

Players should under no circumstance use outside assistance without the opponent's consent.
<Comment deleted by user>
So you lost because you commited an untaunted mistake of not taking a hanging piece and therefore lost to someone catching premoves? Block them and hope your next opponent doesn't try the same trick. What a perfectly functional workflow to reduce your losses!

Blundering is part of bullet. If you don't want to invest care in your efforts and just premove all the way through the opening without holding the piece with your cursor for another second, you'll just hit that many speed bumps. Thanks for sharing though.
1,674 games and only one person has went Bh3 on move 2 to counter my g3 Bg2 opening premoves. So this is a very common and curtious thing to do to everyone else leaving a comment here?

Losing is frustrating for most of us who try to win, honestly the emotional investment makes winning that much more sweet. Be nice friendly and curtious to your opponents? Or is everyone on this site an egotistical ass? - I don't need cheap tricks and trash talk to add on top of my frustration when I'm playing poorly I'm ridiculing myself enough as it is.
I don't see the rudeness. It's a legal chess move. I also feel it would make my endeavor to become a better chess player way more difficult if I just labeled a certain subset of moves as "rude" and block every player who plays them.

My point of view :
Your opponent offered you a win by giving you one of his pieces and you rejected it.
Not arguing that I made a mistake, we played a few games he noticed my premoves he took advantage of it.

I think that's very impolite. It is in fact a bad strategy but in a 1v1 where your opponent picks up your premove habits it's just wrong to take advantage of it.

You can all disagree my opinion isn't changing and I prefer to trust that my opponent will not hang a piece and continue to play chess. 1/1,600+ games apparently most people agree that it's a bad tactic even if they don't agree with the rudeness part of it.
I think blocking this opponent is like blocking an opponent who castles on the opposite side of the board. It's a legal strategy.

You can also block people who try to run you out of time when they have only a king left on the board. Some people think that's rude, too.

I should try Bh3 more often. :-)
I also fell for these opening premove tricks for the 1st time on this website. I just adapted to it and even made it an arsenal that works fairly well tbh.

Aren't you playing chess for "the sake of winning"? Unless you like losing? You're at war on the boards...

It is a perfectly rational thing to do; trying to take advantage of your opponent's mistake.

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