
classic games?

I am seing a lot less classic games(dose seven minutes even count as classic game?) than i used to. Everyone is playing bullet or blitz more often.
I play a 45 45 here from time to time. Never have to wait more than a minute for a game to start.
Plenty of long games played here and everywhere else around the web these days. Here, ICC,, etc ...all have 45/45 and 90/30 leagues/games.
I agree with you there are plenty of classic games- but it's just that i am seeing them a lot less often.
Well, the fact that for some mindless reason Lichess calls an 8+0 "classic chess", probably doesn't help matters.

To this day I have no idea why they did this. At least call a 15+10 or 30+5 classic. 8+0? That's just a joke. 8+0 is blitz.
The development on Lichess even goes in the other direction: not long ago 5+8 was classical, while 5+7 was blitz. Now 5+5 is classical, while 5+4 is blitz!
5+5 is classical now? Omg...why? That doesn't make ANY sense.

Whatever...I'll go back to ICC if Lichess starts catering toward the blitz kiddies.
I used to play quite a bit of 5+5, but when they said it was 'classical' for now on I stopped. Now I play 5+3 instead.

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