
Search "user:UltraSlarken"

7 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess of Xiangqi#7

@Haydenwang203 said in #6: > What about This is, of course, the first site I ran across when looking for places to play. Why don't I like it? Not open source. Not totally free (at least,…

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess of Xiangqi#3

@NaturalBornTraveller said in #2: > You can play it here: > > Uses same source code as Lichess. Perfect. Thank you!

Off-Topic Discussion - Lichess of Xiangqi#1

Is there a Lichess of Xiangqi? i.e., a site that is ideally, free, open source, privacy respecting, non-monopolistic, etc... but which supports xiangqi (Chinese chess)? Would be cool if it were even a…

General Chess Discussion - Titled Arena Announcement(s)#16

@InkyDarkBird said in #15: > Then people would be able to spam the Google form without repercussions since Lichess has no idea who they are. 1) There is no incentive to spamming such a form. Don't wor…

General Chess Discussion - Titled Arena Announcement(s)#8

You should change the form permissions such that people do not need a toxic privacy-invasive Google account to fill it out. Not everybody has Google accounts.

General Chess Discussion - How to annotate games?#2

Bump... I really thought this was a simple newb UI question. Surprised no answers in 2 days. How do I add a note to a game? For example, here is a game I played recently as white. I want to add a note…

General Chess Discussion - How to annotate games?#1

Is there a way to annotate an ongoing or completed game? That is, not by opening a new study or analysis board, but within the game URL itself. For example, when I go to a correspondence game and swit…
