

Which Chess Books & Chess Videos have Inspired You ? For me amoungest Classic Books Modern Ideas In Chess by Richard Reti & The Battle of Chess Ideas by Anthony Saidy helped between all the other "dry works writings" . Chess For Tigers was fun & I hear Chess For Zebras is fun to read , I also understand Inspiration these days can come from Chess Videos & Chess Streamers even Social Media has games popping up on my phone under videos from sites like kings hunt gmg chess & others
The book I enjoy the most is the chess players bible, (2nd edition) it's pictures are great and on line I really like Gotham 's ten minute tutorials. He explains really comprehensively (in a short tme) and honestly ,so for my level the simpler book with pictures and Gothams explanations really help me xxx
The easiest book for me to read was reassess your chess by silman-
it was my first introduction to outposts and open files which I attribute to getting me from the noob level to the beginner level- his "push your own agenda" chapter also had a major impact. At the time a lot of his book was too advanced but I stuck with it as best I could.
The book which helped me the most was the first Yusupov book - build up your chess - I became a different player after completing this book, but was not really fun tbh.
Videos by the Backyard Professor got me interested and helped me get to grips with the basics. GM games presented so that an absolute beginner can see what’s going on.

Hanging Pawns also does really good videos.
I see many Chess Players that seem only 'happy' Playing Chess & NOT Studying Chess at all . They seem uninspired to find the inspiration needed to drive themselves forward . Interestingly Inspiration helps out of no where it seems as you Study Chess with certain Chess Books & Chess Videos Streamers & Games that pop up on your phone's social media . Certain Games can just SPARK Interest Inspiration for Chess & certain words in books videos can have the same effect & all of a sudden you "pick Up Ideas and Motivation
@ThunderClap said in #7:
> I see many Chess Players that seem only 'happy' Playing Chess & NOT Studying Chess at all . They seem uninspired to find the inspiration needed to drive themselves forward . Interestingly Inspiration helps out of no where it seems as you Study Chess with certain Chess Books & Chess Videos Streamers & Games that pop up on your phone's social media . Certain Games can just SPARK Interest Inspiration for Chess & certain words in books videos can have the same effect & all of a sudden you "pick Up Ideas and Motivation
It depends what your goals are for chess though... if you're only playing for fun then this doesn't seem to apply.
@ThunderClap said in #7:
> I see many Chess Players that seem only 'happy' Playing Chess & NOT Studying Chess at all .

I am one of those.
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