
Rated Chess960 games: time for a change

@RealDavidNavara said in #28:
> Only playing with white is a much bigger problem in (other) variants. Say, in Three-Check, which is very hard for Black, particularly if one likes time controls slower than bullet and does not remember the opening theory, which is my case. I guess that the same problem exists in many other variants as well. (Atomic?) Most of the Chess960 positions are perfectly playable with Black, while the remaining few are unpleasant, but far from lost. Several positions require a lot of precision from Black to get a playable position out of the opening, but those are rare exceptions. In standard chess it can also be tricky if one doesn't know some sharp line of the Sicilian Najdorf with 6.Bg5, Two knights Defence with 4.Ng5, Italian with a quick d2-d4 or so.
Certainly in "standard" chess the advantage of white is much greater than in 960, a well prepared white can be very tough to beat for even a naturally much stronger player, so in "standard" the rating adjustment for white is even more necessary. Which might still do little about Swiss lotteries.

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