
Why are there male and female chess competitions?

Have any of you ever considered the following possibility?
"Tournaments emerges from question. 'Who is the strongest man?', for example, generated the individual fighting tournaments. 'Which of these fighting styles is better?', on other hand, generated unification between said tournaments in one with fewer rules where kicks and grappling would be allowed as much as punching" - me.

That being said, perhaps 'Who is the best female in chess?' generated the female-only tournaments. Still on this idea, nothing stops males from playing females. Just go to youtube and search Magnus Carlsen vs Hou Yifan. They played more than once.

Do everything has to be a discussion about women's rights that leads to a male vs female gender wars, or there are other less linear possibilities in this universe? We even have tournaments where both genders play...

To be honest, I don't really care about the discussion. This is all an excuse to harass the bots and wonder how come they talk... Did they also develop some chat AI?!? So cool man. I'm so surprised to see bots talking... I'm new to this Chess Bot thing and all. Their replies are as weird as I expect from a conversation bot either. I'm still laughing a lot from this joke:

BOT centaur01
4 days ago

Sure thing, we, chess players, win the game by throwing the loser on the floor. :D

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