
Why the Opposition to Draws?

That wasn't the point of my post.

And plenty of people care about the opinions of others.
Just a friendly reminder, you're on a public forum.
If you post something, people are allowed to post a disagreement. There's no need to say "nobody cares about your opinion" to whoever doesn't agree with you.
Calm down, you're gonna give yourself an aneurysm.
You again. I'm not the one who uses words like "inane" which by the way is an insult.
So is "uncivilized".
Your point? You still haven't addressed my post.
One thing I got out of this waste of my time is that some people who are rated in the 1400's (also known as people who don't know very much about chess) think a complex position that requires intense thinking is a good time to stop the game. That's very strange. Why start a game if you're not going to finish it. I can understand not knowing much about chess, but this idea to just quit right in the middle of the game I can only translate to mean they are not serious chess players.
It's pure eloism. You can do that for sure but then you should confess it.

Imagine they offer the draw in the same position to much lower rated players? Rather they cut off one of their fingers. Then out of a sudden they are arguing "they just wanna play on" and stuff like that. How well I know them!

@BobC #55
What blueberrymania says in post #54, is true at any level.

Remember the match between Carlsen and Karjakin where they agreed to several draws on certain games, including game six which only lasted for 32 moves.

Of course, they were able to see an inevitable draw whereas you probably wouldn't :-)

People at your elevated level don't look for draws. Maybe someday the world champion will reach your level and not look for a draw, even, when its the logical thing to do.

Logical ? Oh yeah, chess is considered to be a game of logic, something which you apparently lack. :-(

"something which you apparently lack" says the chess player who lives in the 1600's which means "don't know much about chess".

I'm a big fan of Fischer. He always played to win with both the white and black pieces. I remember reading when somebody asked him for a draw. Fischer gave him a dirty look and said it's too early, then of course he won.
Your rating (1968) is not that high. You need to get real. Your a chess peasant just like me.

The difference is that I don't claim otherwise. You, however are deluded. 1968?? Pah! nothing to get high and mighty about. :-)

P.S. You didn't address the Carlsen v Karjakin draws. Why not?

At least at my level I know something about how to play the game.

Grandmasters (and virtually all other serious chess players) would never do what I wrote about at #65, ending a game that's still very complex. They wait until things settle down which is what I would do if I was at their level.

In any case who cares? This is not a BFD. This whole thing is a ridiculous waste of time.

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