
+-500, or how to destroy the greatest chess platform with one unthoughtful decision!

No 2700 wants to play 2000 rated. Simply absolutely no one. You are crying because you no longer can have something you want. Grow up kid.
Sometimes higher rateds also prefer to play much lower rateds to check if they can win easily {sometimes}
@Cyclist1988 That's a strong statement, and not supported by any data. Even if it was true (which I doubt), no use limiting his/her options for someone's pleasure. "You are crying because you no longer can have something you want. Grow up kid" - you sound like some totalitarian dictator taking away basic freedom of his people and mocking them when they try to defend it. I'll repeat myself, God forbid you ever get to any position of power.

@Chessmaster_100 You are right.
You just cry because something you want is no longer there. But it's because of the good overall which you simply ignore. Grow up kid.there is no god also. Wake there is you are nobody to ask or hope for, he does something for you.
@Cyclist1988 You basically repeated #31, which I answered in #33. You didn't manage (and you will never manage) to prove that "it is because of the good overall". I ignore simply nothing, I answer even the most ridiculous of your posts. And "God forbid" is just a rhetorical figure, but then again, you wouldn't recognise a rhetorical figure if it punched you right in the nose.
Yeah, we should definitely admire good things but his point is not completely invalid too!
It's called basic sense and chess experience. Lack of proof doesn't mean is not true. Again you act like a kid. And with all that god talk you belong to church or get a bullet or rope and meet your God in personall

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