
Please stop multi-account abuse a little bit more

Yes, i also oppose adding more restrictions to people not involved into the issue.
The current system encourages "throwaway" accounts: it is simply too easy to open a new account here. The problem is that lichess has always preferred to attract hundreds of thousands of people complete with cheaters and multiple account holders, rather than a much smaller user base of verified users who are NOT cheating or holding several accounts. To lichess, the idea has always been a sort of semi self governing anarcho syndicalist commune of chess... unfortunately, as demonstrated both here and around the world in other ways, there are downsides: people take the p**s.

I remember the resistance a couple of years or so ago when some of us suggested providing an email address at registration in order to slow down the cheaters. Now that seems quite normal and standard, but at the time various mods were very opposed to the idea.

In fact, the only way to stop multi accounting and cheats coming back through the revolving door is to have accountability. I know no one will like the idea of producing ID (such as a credit card that is not accessed) but I would propose that all new account holders should have to give their names, addresses, dates of birth etc. Instead of me being just "Toutatis", I should also have a proper profile that shows my real name.

The profile could show the handle or nickname, and then list information below it - real name, plus the option of a photo, best and worst results, favourite openings etc. If you make a profile both fun and useful, people will probably like it better. Perhaps get accounts opened via social media - sign up through FB or whatever.

I think we have to face facts: lichess needs tighter controls on its accounts or we can forget about change.
" To lichess, the idea has always been a sort of semi self governing anarcho syndicalist commune of chess..."

Actually that is not quite right.
Lichess is a hippie communist chess server for drug fueled atheists, ruled by a benevolent dictator, if I remember it correct.
And I hope it stays that way... :-)
Oh dear, that's pretty much everything I dislike most.

- hippies = take a shower and get a job
- communists = a good reason to carry a gun
- drugs... loss of control = loss of civilised behaviour
- atheists... lack of belief = lack of hope
- benevolent dictator = I'm not even going to comment. Last time I spoke my mind I was silenced. It was not benevolent.

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