
Is Chess A Waste Of Time?

Is Chess A Waste Of Time? Absolutely!
But only if you aren't born with chess talent.

The time you need to invest (to get better of course) bears no relation to the outcome.
Look at it this way. Maybe IM Levy Rozman was simply born with the talent/capacity of reaching about 2350 Elo with the best training possible. So no training and time in the world (he trained even with Hikaru) could make him 2500 Elo or to get the GM-title.
So to train any further would simply be wasted time and only frustrating.
Same is with IM Josh Waitzkin who quitted chess and focused on martial arts instead.

I think it is very intelligent from both to quit chess and focus on other way more important aspects of life.
@PaulMorphysBrilliant said in #46:
> He wouldn't be known if not for chess. "Waste of time" = What made me famous; in his case.

What?? Did you read the wiki article? That is in no way accurate. He is famous for his groundbreaking research in science (memory and imagination from Alzheimer's patients) as well as AI by founding DeepMind and authoring many influential papers in that field. He played chess when he was a child before moving on to programming while he was a teenager, where he earned some credentials and funding working for big names in the industry. Almost none of what he is known for is related to chess.

He is like the perfect example of someone who did an enormous amount of good for the world, which all would have been lost, if he devoted his entire life to chess.
Or consider...starting a youtube channel about chess. Since chess takes time and time is all money, then there you have it! :D

Hikaru did not become a serious World Championship contender, but profited from his skills. Levy Rozman isn't even a GM but found his entertainer capacity in content creation. Agadmator isn't even master level and yet has more than 1 million subs.

The downside is trying to understand the youtube algorithm. That's another beast in itself ;)

My two cents. Whatever you devote your time to, make sure you find JOY in what you do. That is all.
Did Garry Kasparov make a mistake of quitting chess?
Thats deep and right. "Your life useless anyway, with chess or without"