
is promoting all of your extra pawns to knights good sportsmanship in tournaments?

I would find it hilarious if you did that to me tbh.

I tend to be a bitter ender, but doing that would make me look for the resign button.
@JushBJJ2 #1
Next time try promoting all your extra pawns to queens. The impact on your opponent should be much stronger than promoting them all to knights.
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Punishing bad style with even worse style... well done, guys!
Not bad style, not even style.
More like forcing your opponent to resign before the checkmate comes (which is like an apology for his/hers bad manners), or else end up giving a six knight checkmate!
Anyway having fun!
Bad manners for not resigning? A 'huge' disrespect to your opponent? Frankly, I don't see it that way... The american indians taught the colonist's unconventional warfare and the British troops had issues with the colonist's rather rude and impolite fighting style but in the end it all comes down to who came out on top.
Hey, it is true that some people resign way too easily. Just now I had someone resign when I was about to win an exchange, even though they had some good attacking potential on my kingside. I think that some more fighting spirit in worse positions would be needed (and worrying about resigning too late is a rather silly thing to do imo).

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