
is promoting all of your extra pawns to knights good sportsmanship in tournaments?

The main problem is that I have auto promote to queen on. So I cannot promote pawns to anything else. There might be a way but I don't know it. I have never reached a position where I wanted to promote to anything else so I am going to keep this setting until I reach a position like @spreeathener.
What portion of all games on lichess where it's necessary to promote to anything except queen? I think the risk of misclicking and promoting to something unwanted when the queen is meant is much higher.
Here's Tony Miles winning brilliantly by underpromoting to a knight:

I have a question to all the experts who posted all the examples of games where promotion to knights are required. I have auto promote to queen on. Should I keep it this way or switch it to off?
In my opinion, whenever you have some extra pawns, the position is completely winning, and you have an opponent who refuses to resign, You really want to torture the disrespectful opponent. You do that by promoting all your extra pawns to queens. That really frustrates the players. There is far lesser impact if you promote all the extra pawns to knights. Your opponent might not feel as helpless and might actually get the desired stalemate. It's much harder to do against queens.
I've played thousands of games online and never needed to underpromote.
You will benefit more (win more games) with autoqueening than waiting for a underpromotion once in a blue moon (if ever).

Is there a shortcut like pressing CTRL to overrule autoqueen? If not: think about it.
Familiar topic for me.I have done it several time mostly in my atomic games against lower rated opponents :)
I know about the CTRL shortcut. However, I play with a Tablet using touch screen. My chess board takes the entire screen. I cannot press CTRL on Tablet. Maybe it exists on the App but I prefer using Chrome browser.
In fast games, it's important to play fast. That means auto queen is on, and move confirmation off.

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